25 Октябр 2018
It should be noted that, according to theresults of work of interagency commission in charge of ensuring law and order in the GBAO over the past month 201 illegally possessed firearms have been seized, in particular seventy-six assault rifles Kalashnikov, three machine guns, two grenade launchers, one anti-aircraft complex, forty pistols, thirteen carbines, sixty-six types of other weapons, thirty eight grenades, more than 5350 units of ammunition and 960 grams of explosives from the leadership of organized crime gangs of Khorugh – Ayombekov Tolib Abdrahmonovich, Mamadboqirov Mamadboqir Karamalishoevich, Mamadaslamov Yodgorsho Shomusallamovich, Mazorov Khursand Mirzohayotovich, Shanbiev Munavvar Navruzbekovich and dozens of province residents.
Article 14 of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan states that"The rights and liberties of individual and citizen shall be protected by the Constitution, the laws of the republic, and international legal documents recognized by Tajikistan”.
"The rights and liberties of individual and citizen shall be implemented directly. These shall determine the goals, content and effect of the laws and the application activities of the legislative, executive and local authorities, self-government local bodies and shall be insured by the judiciary”.
"The limitation in implementing rights and liberties of citizen shall be allowed only to ensure the rights and liberties of others, public order, and to safeguard the constitutional structure and the territorial integrity of the republic”.
According to Article 19 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Security Agencies of the Republic of Tajikistan” and Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Police”, these law enforcement agencies are given the right and authority during activities for the prevention and suppression of crimes that are within the competence of these authorities, declare a formal warning to persons in order to prevent them from committing unlawful acts.
On October 22, 2018, according to the acting laws of the Republic of Tajikistan, by the order of Tajikistan’s SCNS department for GBAO, Tajikistan’s MIA department in GBAO, and GBAO prosecutor’s office, theleadership of organized crime gangs of Khorugh, Shughnon and Roshtqal’a – Ayombekov Tolib Abdrahmonovich, Mamadboqirov Mamadboqir Karamalishoevich, Mamadaslamov Yodgorsho Shomusallamovich, Mazorov Khursand Mirzohayotovich, Shanbiev Munavvar Navruzbekovich were summoned to GBAO prosecutor’s office, where each of them was individually declared a formal warning.
For each, a formal warning protocol had been drawn up that is legally binding. These persons personally signed their protocols.
They are categorically demanded that they in the future will not commit illegal acts, which in particular include:
– Organization and management of organized criminal groups, criminal community;
– Appeals and recruitment of youth in order to organize mass unrest, seizure of buildings and government agencies;
– Targeted destruction and liquidation of property;
– A threat to the representative of the authorities;
– Hooliganism, smuggling of narcotic substances and weapons;
– Organizationofgatherings;
– Not to commit unlawful actions against state and social security.
Articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan on grave and especially grave crimes were brought to them:
Article 187. Organizing a Criminal Community (Criminal Organization)
Article 182 Capture of Buildings, Constructions, Means of Information and Communication
Article 188. Mass Disorders
Article 189. Arousing National, Racial, Local or Religious Hostility
Article 195. Illegal Buying, Selling, Keeping, Transportation or Carrying of Weapons, Ammunitions, Explosives and Explosive Mechanisms
Article 200. Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics or Psychotropic Substances, Precursors With the Goal of their Selling
Article 201. Illegal Handling with Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances or Precursors
Article 237. Hooliganism
Article 255. Intentional Destroying or Damaging of Property
Article 330. Insulting an Official
Each of the leaders of the organized criminal groups was informed that in case of non-compliance with the above requirements of official warning and the commission of these crimes, they must respond to the full extent of the law.
On October 22, 2018, among the leader of the organized criminal group of the Khorugh city, an official warning was announced by Mazoriev Khursand Mirzohayotovich, born on June 5, 1972, native and resident of Khorugh, Jomi Street, home 12, married, has no previous convictions. The leader of the criminal group in Khorugh (Protocol No. 13 / 2006-18 dated 10/22/18).
October 22, 2018, Khorog city No. 13 / 2008-18
Announcement of official warning
Interagency commission in charge of providing security, according to Art 19 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On State Security Organs of the Republic of Tajikistan” and Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Police”, a citizen:
Mazoriev Khursand Mirzohayotovich, born on June 5, 1972, native and resident of Khorugh, Jomi Street, home 12, married, has no previous convictions. The leader of the criminal group in Khorugh. Mazoriev Kh. M., was summoned to the regional prosecutor’s office, where he was announced an official warning to prevent the commission of unlawful actions regarding the security of the state and society:
– Organization and management of organized criminal groups, criminal community;
– Appeals and recruitment of youth in order to organize mass unrest, seizure of buildings and government agencies;
– Targeted destruction and liquidation of property;
– A threat to the representative of the authorities;
– Hooliganism, smuggling of narcotic substances and weapons;
– Organization of gatherings;
– Not to commit unlawful actions against state and social security.
It was reported to him and it was demanded that in the future he should not take these actions.
At the same time, the articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan on grave and especially grave crimes were brought to the attention of Mazoriev Kh. M:
Article 187. Organizing a Criminal Community (Criminal Organization)
Article 182 Capture of Buildings, Constructions, Means of Information and Communication
Article 188. Mass Disorders
Article 189. Arousing National, Racial, Local or Religious Hostility
Article 195. Illegal Buying, Selling, Keeping, Transportation or Carrying of Weapons, Ammunitions, Explosives and Explosive Mechanisms
Article 200. Illegal Trafficking of Narcotics or Psychotropic Substances, Precursors with the Goal of their Selling
Article 201. Illegal Handling with Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances or Precursors
Article 237. Hooliganism
Article 255. Intentional Destroying or Damaging of Property
Article 330. InsultinganOfficial
Citizen Mazoriev Kh.M., after receiving the official warning, assured that at the present time he had handed over all of his weapons to the law enforcement agencies:
"I declare with full responsibility that I don’t have in my place of residence and the place of residence of relatives, acquaintances, as well as in the caches of weapons and other ammunition, I did not give to anyone for storage.
– I refuse to lead a criminal group and participate in criminal communities. I refuse to organize and hold gatherings of criminal gangs.
– I will not attract young people to such groups.
– I will not participate in the incitement of localism.
– I will not illegally cross the state border of the Republic of Tajikistan.
– I will not engage in drug trafficking and firearms charges.
-I undertake to observe on a par with other citizensthe requirements of the laws of state power and law enforcement agencies.
– I will not interfere with and impede the activities of law enforcement agencies and responsible persons during the performance of their official duties.
– I will not intervene in disputes over housing and property issues, as well as other disputes between citizens and legal entities.
– Decisively promise to engage in socially useful work (business, trade).
In case of non-compliance with the above requirements of official warning and the commission of these crimes, I am ready to respond to the full extent of the law.
I was told that failure to comply with the requirements of the official warning is a direct violation of it.
During the announcement of the official warning and his signature against me and my relatives there was no physical, psychological pressure, threats or deception.
I have received a copy of the official warnings and explanations of the articles of the Criminal Code of Tajikistan reflected in this document.
Mazoriev Kh. M. Signature
October 22, 2018.
The official warning was announced by:
First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan,
Head of the Internal Affairs Directorate in GBAO Lieutenant-General A.Alamshozoda
Head of Department for supervision
of primary investigative actions
of the prosecutor’s office, counselor of first class R.M Sodikzoda;
Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Major General of Police A.Sh.Navjuvonov
Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court
of the Republic of Tajikistan A.N.Iskhoki
First Deputy Chairman of the GBAO A.Mirzonabotov
Prosecutor for GBAO D.A. Asozoda
Head of the State Committee for National Security of the Republic of Tatarstan in GBAO M.E.Melikov
Prosecutor of the Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office M.Nabotov
Public Representative F.I. Irgashov.