Матни равон

DUSHANBE, 03.08.2018. /NIAT “Khovar”/. The International Scientific and Research Conference on the activities of terrorist organizations of the Islamic renaissance party /IRP/* and Ikhwan al-Muslimin* was held on August 1 from 18.00 to 21.00 in the hall of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs, located in Cairo, in the Maodi Quarter, on Courneishi Nile Street, in the building Burji 2. The event was organized under the auspices of the State Scientific and Research Institutes of the Arab Republic of Egypt – the Council of Egypt for Foreign Affairs, the Egyptian Media Forum, the Al-Hiwar Center for Research and Policy Studies, as well as the Maritime exhibition.

The conference was held under the title “Egypt and Tajikistan in combating terrorist organizations. Detailed study of the activities of Ikhwan al-Muslimin* and a terrorist-extremist organization Islamic renaissance party”*. During the conference, the issues of the history of terrorist organizations Ikhwan al-Muslimin* and TEO IRP*, similarities between the two countries’ situations, relationship and unity of terrorist organizations in their attempt to destabilize the situation in Egypt and the Republic of Tajikistan, their support from the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as the fight and cooperation against terrorism in Egypt and Tajikistan were discussed.

Also, during the conference, were shown the real photos of terrorist acts of the TEO IRP*, including their brutal crimes during the civil confrontation, the rebellion of the group Hoji Halim and the killing of foreign tourists in the Danghara district, as well as the documentary film “Invisible Roots” about the destructive activity of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tajikistan.

The event was attended by over 150 people, including industry experts, teachers of political faculties of Egyptian universities, political observers, journalists, government officials, representatives of diplomatic corps of foreign countries and state television channels of Egypt.

The conference honorary guests were former Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt Essam Sharaf, former Minister of Social Development Judah Abdul Khaliq, representatives of the Majlis Shura (Parliament), the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Property, Al-Azhar institutions and political parties of Egypt, the employees of the embassies of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Algeria, the clergymen of the Christian church and others.

In order to announce the final results of the conference, the famous Egyptian researchers – ex-ambassador of Egypt in Tajikistan, now living outside Egypt, ex-assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director of the Council of Egypt for Foreign Affairs, Pr. Izzat Saad and former Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt Essam Sharaf made the following proposals:

1.   To intensify the activities of all state bodies and institutions in the sphere of combating the ideology of terrorist organizations and their threats.

2.    To strengthen the role of the media in the fight against sabotage agitation and propaganda of terrorist organizations “Ikhwan al-Muslimin”* and IRP*.

3.   To carry out bilateral visits and meetings of experts and researchers from Tajikistan and Egypt with a view to greater exchange of knowledge and experience in the fight against extremism and terrorism.

4.   To organize joint events, such as conferences, seminars and roundtables to discuss various aspects of extremism and terrorism and ways to prevent their spread.

5.   To carry out mutually beneficial cooperation between the relevant bodies of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Arab Republic of Egypt in the field of combating terrorism and introduce Ikwan al-Muslimin* and IRP* in the list of terrorist organizations in Arab countries, countries populated by Muslims, as well as in Arab, Islamic and international organizations.

6.   During the current year, organize an international conference involving Arab countries and countries populated by Muslims who recognized Ikhwan al-Muslimin* as a terrorist and extremist organization (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Algeria, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Russia and China).

7.   To condemn and prevent Iran’s interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries and other foreign states, in particular Tajikistan, its constant assistance to terrorist organizations such as Ikhwan al-Muslimin* and IRP*, to demand from the IRI to respect the independence and sovereignty of countries.

The results of the conference were prepared in the form of final documents and were sent by the event organizers to the state bodies of Egypt, including the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Internal Affairs, Justice, Majlis Shura (Parliament) and diplomatic corps accredited in the country for making decision.

Following the event, a competition was announced between political commentators, teachers and students of the universities of Cairo and Ayn al-Shams, according to which the Council of Egypt on foreign affairs will award participants for the preparation and provision of research works on the terrorist activities of “Ikhwan al-Muslimin”* and IRP*.

A huge amount of information and articles were devoted to the work of the conference in the Egyptian mass media, the course of the conference was covered by television channels of Egypt.

It should be noted that the Islamic renaissance party is recognized as a terrorist organization by authoritative international organizations, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (the population of its member states is more than 3.5 billion), the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the CIS Antiterrorist Center and others.

The conference “Egypt and Tajikistan in combating terrorist organizations. Detailed study of the activities of Ikhwan al-Muslimin* and a terrorist-extremist organization Islamic renaissance party”*, organized on the initiative of scholars, politicians, journalists and other representatives of the intelligentsia of Egypt, is the best example of uniting against terrorism and extremism and solidarity with the Tajik people in disclosing the true enemy faces of the leaders of the TEO IRP* and their use as instruments of action on the part of certain countries.


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