Матни равон

This is the third attempt by Muhiddin Kabiri to create at least an imaginary Alliance of opposition forces of Tajikistan, which has brilliantly failed. Exactly a year ago in the same German city Kabiri, for the first time after having settled in Europe, has made efforts to create an Alliance. Kabiri’s representatives persistently persuaded the leaders of the Congress of constructive forces of Tajikistan and the Movement “Vatandor” Dodojon Atovulloev and the “Group 24” to attend the Forum, which he conveyed. Atovulloev ignored the invitation, and the guys of “Group 24” after participating in the Forum, which turned into a publicity show for exalting Kabiri, loudly declared: “We will never have any ties with the Islamic Party!” And this despite the fact that the people of Kabiri promised the children golden mountains: “Join us, you will swim in money!” Indeed, Kabiri has no any problems with the money. Iran generously finances his activities.

Then the attempt to create an Alliance has been failed. (Details of this on my Facebook, 4 September 2017.)

In September 2017, Kabiri for the second attempt to create the appearance of Alliance used two occasions in Warsaw - the event of an OSCE structure (ODIHR) and the anniversary of Tajikistan's Independence. (Incidentally, the mentioned event, in which Kabiri made speech, his false propagandists presented as an OSCE meeting). Again sending out invitations to all authoritative Tajiks in Europe, Russia and persuasion - come, we take all the costs! Only those who love to travel at the expense of someone else have cursed. Atovulloev this time reacted to the invitation in a sharp and rough form - to be with you is a shame! The guys of “Group 24” did so too.

Then in Warsaw Kabiri survived the shock and told his associates that he would probably retire. To say that he said, but with all desire he cannot leave a business based on politics. Because he is linked by the hands and feet by the Iranian special services - huge funds are thrown to the wind, but where is the result? Where is the alliance? In desperation, he creates fake associations of Freethinkers, Reformers and Support for labor migrants.

- They are illegitimate children of the Islamic Party and Muhiddin Kabiri, - an informed source close to his circle told me. - Tajiks who have authority and

influence among the Tajik diaspora in Europe or do not want to engage in politics, either do not want to deal with Kabiri. And these formal associations are established to create the same Alliance.

However, the false leaders of these associations again failed. Take, for example, Sharofiddin Gadoev. Former driver of Umarali Quvvatov is elementary illiterate, who knows neither Tajik nor Russian, Sharofiddin for Kabiri - unnecessary costs and unnecessary troubles. Someone writes for him comments to publications on Facebook in Tajik and Russian. Someone is preparing his interview. And this someone not only comes up with questions, but also answers himself. Sometimes Sharofiddin, demonstrating his illiteracy, writes in the Tajik dialect: “Akam mada tilfon kad. Guft sheroi nar ma bo shumoyum. Biyoen jigarsha mekanem, shashliksh meknem!” (I apologize to the English-speaking readers, these phrases cannot be translated into English.) He wrote such comment after reading an interview with Abdumajid Dostiev on Ozodi's website.

And this Sharofiddin is a reformer! Not just a reformer, but the head of all reformers in a fake union! As Dodojon Atovulloev remarked sarcastically, Sharofiddin, being a reformer, cannot determine for himself - what does the development word mean - sausage or frankfurters? Now imagine that Sharofiddin and the highly educated Isfandiyori Nazar, a talented poet and publicist who was also persistently persuaded to come to Dortmund, are comrades-in-arms! Isfandiyor! I apologize if I insulted you!

On the eve, friends sent me a conference program and the list of speakers. Seeing Hafiz Boboyorov and Dodojon Atovulloev in this list, I was extremely surprised. And then I called Dodojon. “What will you talk about at the conference?”, - I asked him. Here is his answer:

“- On the night of July 14 to 15 I did not sleep a minute! I continually answered the calls of friends from all over the world, who asked me the same question. I patiently explained that I had categorically rejected the invitation and I am not going to participate in this gathering. Majority did not believe me and even reproached me - since you are on the list, why are you hiding your participation? In the morning, I had to make a statement on Facebook that I had repeatedly and categorically refused to take part in the event. The names of Hafiz Boboyorov, Abduazim Abduvahob, my name and some other well-known Tajiks on the list - it was bait for those doubting to participate in the conference.

After seeing these names, perhaps, they would have decided to come to Dortmund too. Pay attention to one more touch in the list of speakers - they are all referred to as mere mortals. Only Kabiri is listed as Ustod Muhiddin Kabiri. Stupid PR people put him above all other speakers and make it clear - of course, we have invited you, but you are below of our leader and have to admit it.

All the famous Tajiks living in Europe, Russia and our movement “Vatandor”, the Congress of constructive forces and the “Group 24” needed Muhiddin Kabiri for a tick. If all the guests had gathered in Dortmund, all this would be filmed on video and sent to sponsors as proof - here is the coalition that you require of us, it was held! And Muhiddin Kabiri is its leader! We have completed your task! And tomorrow let this coalition collapse - it does not matter.

The gathering in Dortmund is another unsuccessful scam of Muhiddin Kabiri.

I cannot be with Muhiddin Kabiri for one more reason. Already for three years, his associates have not stopped against me the campaign of denigration, slander, watering me with vulgar scolding, and sometimes with obscene words in social networks. In parallel, his other people agitate, persuade and even beg to join them. Is there a moral in this duplicity? The answer is yours!”.

Opening the conference, the chairman of the organizing committee Muhammadsaid Rizoi noted that 300 people gathered in the hall. “By Allah, there were approximately 65-70 people, no more!, - one of the participants told me. - When Rizoi announced the number 300, I involuntarily looked around. And I was surprised - because, there were several times fewer people in the hall!”

“Family power”, “corrupt power” - these phrases were heard from the lips of almost all speakers. And who are you? By what right have you assumed the role of a judge? Look at yourself in the mirror - the entire top of your party is family! And as for corruption, the current Tajik corrupt officials would not be suitable for your leaders as students! For 5 years in Afghanistan they have been stealing money for refugees from government and non-governmental sources. And then in 1997, returning to Tajikistan as the richest citizens, the corruption was made legitimate in the National Reconciliation Commission - they were openly selling posts at a 30% quota. And your current leader Muhiddin Kabiri is

an internationally corrupt official. His struggle for power is financed by a foreign state. While the Iranian side is not really hiding financial support to Kabiri, he himself stubbornly and shamelessly refutes the obvious.

In any civilized country, a political organization financed from outside is declared illegal and its founders will be prosecuted. For example, you do not have to go far. When it became known that the former French President Nicolas Sarkozy used Muammar Gaddafi's money in his election campaign, a criminal case was immediately brought against him and he turned into a political corpse. Many years have passed, but Gaddafi is dead, and Sarkozy is not the President. But recently, he hinted at his return to the political arena and regretted. He was immediately taken to court and prosecutors.

And the Tajik authorities for almost 20 years allowed the Islamic Party legally engage in brainwashing in Tajikistan with the money of foreign sponsors. Not just allowed, but sometimes flirted with Muhiddin Kabiri. During this time, a whole generation of young people has grown up with stereotyped brains, not taught to think, but blindly bowed. In this generation, the ability to independently think and independently reach the truth is destroyed in the bud. These young people speak the word communist (in their pronunciation cumunist) with such hatred that their hated voices could be envied by the loud-voiced speakers on Dushanbe Square in 1992. “Hizbi mankhushi Communist!!!” (“Disgusting Communist Party”) they shouted hysterically. 27 years have passed since the USSR collapse, and the Tajik Communist Party exists purely nominally, but the hateful image of the enemy is passed on from generation to generation. At the same time, Kabiri and his associates do not get tired of repeating - our doors are open to people with different beliefs.

And now I directly appeal to Muhiddin Kabiri.

“Muhiddin! You are a shame of the nation! Because you have gathered around you the same shameful people who are ready to do any work for money - lie, slander, betray!

You are “Vatanfurush!” (Traitor of Motherland!). Because you know very well that your patrons want to make another bloody revolution in Tajikistan by your hands! They pay you for preparing a new bloody revolution!

- You are a Traitor number 1 among the politicians of Tajikistan, if you can be called a politician! Did not you betray Rahmatullo Zoirov, who by his simple-

heartedness believed you and entered your coalition in 2013? And you after that at your conference in Dortmund without any embarrassment expected from him a congratulatory message?! God be with him with Zoirov, a politician from another camp. You betrayed your comrades who are paying with their lives in Tajik prisons for your adventure – a coup d'etat attempt in September 2015. You left them as hostages, and kept yourself safe! What meanness! And the plan was worked out sneaky - if the coup was successful, you would return to Tajikistan as head of the Provisional Government, and if not – you not to pay, but to your comrades-in-arms! And it happened!

- Your comrades once again showed their true face by starting a campaign of defamation Hafiz Boboyorov, who refused to take part in your gathering and called the reasons for his refusal. How are you devoted to your classic slogan from the far 90s on Dushanbe Square: “Who is not with us he is our enemy!” Really to this day, you and your comrades not realized that by saying bad about Boboyorov, fell low in the eyes of all enlightened Tajiks?!

During the year, when you persuaded him to join you, he was a respected person. As soon as he rejected your invitation, he immediately became an enemy. Boboyorov - a talented scientist, a crystally honest and respectable person with a clear civic position adequately represents the Tajiks in Europe!

- “Bas ast!” (Enough!) - You exclaimed in Dortmund. That is your word. I am turning it to you - enough! Enough to lie, betray, sell the Homeland, throw dust into our compatriots' eyes! Enough to speculate by the 1997 peace agreement! That Tajik United Opposition after 30% distribution of posts collapsed itself. All your fighters for the Islam renaissance, for freedom and democracy, as soon as they entered the cozy offices with a reception, where the secretary made tea for them and when they got into service cars, they forgot for what they were fighting. Each of them tried to please President Emomali Rahmon separately to stay in his post longer.

- You stay with those who are around you now! And if anyone else joins you, he will be the same people who are now surrounding you! Or someone joins you secretly, like your clandestine political strategist. Your ally-underground man insures himself - if suddenly your patrons turn away from you, and you turn into no one, he will come out cleanly from the underground to find another payer.

- You will some day create an Alliance. But it will be an imaginary and lying Alliance for report to your sponsors. People who are not indifferent to the future of our long-suffering Homeland will never be near you!

Such is your poor fate!”.

Salomiddin Mirzorahmatov

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