Матни равон

The Press Center of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security of Tajikistan brings to the attention of Tajik citizens, citizens of foreign countries and persons with stateless status that the entry into the border areas, as well as the entry and exit of citizens are under strict control.

The Press Center of the Border Troops of the State Committee for National Security of Tajikistan, in particular, notes:

“The trend towards complicating the situation in the region and the world, attempts by terrorist and extremist organizations to illegally cross state borders and carry out inhuman terrorist acts in various parts of the world, including Tajikistan, require strengthening the protection of the country’s territory, stability and peace, as well as ensuring the peaceful life of the residents.

In accordance with Article 19 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the State Border”, entry into the border area of foreign citizens and stateless persons without permission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and internal affairs bodies is strictly prohibited, and consent to the admission of other persons to the border line is given only with identification documents and issued for travel.

Border posts will carry out serious control over the entry and exit of citizens to border areas.

In this regard, all citizens of the country and guests staying or entering the territory of Tajikistan are urged to carry a passport and other identification documents when traveling to the border areas of GBAO and Khatlon region.

Entry into these areas without complying with these requirements is not permitted”.

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МИҲД вилояти Суғд

АМИТ "Ховар"


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